Thursday, March 31, 2011

Flowers In Vase

Today for art we looked at a photo of two flowers in a vase with a butterfly hanging off one of the flowers. The children then drew what they could see in pencil, then went over the pencil lines with vivid and finished by filling it in with paint.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Solar System

Today I put this picture on the screen to see whether the children could identify the planet Earth in a wider context and what other understandings they had of what they were looking at.
Claire: (pointing to the sun) That one looks really hot
Campbell: It looks like lava
Eva: It looks like the sun.
Charlie: The sun is made of lava
Claire: The bright thing makes everything hot in space.
Campbell: The lava is made of the sun
A: It's on fire
Claire: (Pointing to orbital rings drawn on picture) There are rings around it they are small and then get bigger.
A:It's the moon
Claire: The moon is on the ring
Eva: The rings are made of string
Claire:I know they are made of plastic
Charlie: (Pointing to the planet Earth) Thats Earth. I've seen planets.
Connor: Theres one with rings. I don't know what the rings are made of. They are made of gas or gold.
I then pointed to the commet in the picture
A and Eva: Shooting star
A: Lots of stars
Claire: I've seen stars in the sly.
I then pointed to the band of meteors
Thomas: Space rocks
Charlie: Spacerocks from the moon.
Tyra: From other planets
Claire: what are the blue lines and why are the stars going around.

Orbit - Astronauts photographs

Mrs Fee brought in a beautiful photo called Orbit which is full of photographs taken by Nasa Astronauts while in space. We were just fliching through some of the pages when the children started asking some good questions and sharing some great understandings.

(A picture of an astronaut floating outside a rocket)
Eva: How is it floating in the sky?
Vida: You can float in space.
Claire: Why doesn't he fall down?

(A picture of a satellite)
Claire: Whats that?
Eva: Part of a rocket
Thomas: It's a satellite
Miss B: What is satellite?
Vida: Its a rocket that floats around in space and it glows like a star.
Thomas: Satellites make T.V.s work
Claire: The beds are very uncomfy in space, I've seen it on Toy Story.

Questions to clarify: How do things float in space?

Where are we?

The other day I supplied the children with some pictures and we placed them on the floor joining them with paper to show where we live from the small picture to the big picture. They started by drawing a picture of their house, then we talked about where their houses were and the resounding answer was here. I then showed them a picture of the council buildings in Rolleston.

Vida: That is in Rolleston

Miss B: So where is Rolleston?

Claire: Rolleston is here

Miss B: What if someone from Australia needed to know where Rolleston was

Claire: We could drive them here or take photos to show them

Miss B: What would you take photos of?

Tyra: The school

Claire: The library and the shop where you get food.

Campbell: The Warehouse

I then gave the picture of the South Island and then New Zealand and we talked about where Rolleston was on both of these images and then followed this with a picture of Earth.

Miss B: Where is Earth?

Campbell: Here

Claire: Earth is in space. You can leave your planet and go out in space.

Miss B: What else is in space?

Campbell: Circles

Tyra: Planets

Connor: Some planets have rings.

What is Bravery?

On Tuesday I asked the children to tell me about a time when they have been brave as a way of starting to develop a definition of what bravery is. These were their answers...

H : When I was learning to ride my bike, I fell off but didn't cry.
A: I fell off my scooter onto dads bike and I didn't cry
Thomas: Learning how to ride without training wheels.
Vida: I fell over on the stones at school and didn't cry.
Caitlyn: I can ride on two wheels by myself.
Claire: When dad sent me off on my bike, I was on the graa and I fell off but I didn't cry.
Brody: I had three wheels and then 2 and I rode in a circle.
Gemma: My bike was wobbling with 2 training wheels and Iwas brave because I nearly fell over.
Campbell: I was watching tv and a girl broke her arm and caught on fire (Why was she brave?) she didn't die.
Charlie: When I had a jab, I didn't cry.
Connor: Dad took me for a walk and I fell off the scooter two times and didn't cry.
C: I was riding fast on my BMX and didn't fall off.
Miss Bell: So if you were brave when you did these things then what do you think bravery is?
Claire: It is not crying.










