Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What is a tummy bug?

What follows is discussion that took place in our class today, it was interesting listening to the childrens ideas and I am interested to see where their theories will lead us...

This discussion took place prior to school starting...
Amelie: Where is Miss K?
Miss B: She is still sick.
Amelie: How did she get sick?
Miss B: She has a tummy bug.
Amelie: What is a bug and how did it get there.
Miss Bell: Well maybe we could find out?
Amelie: That could be our adventure today.

When the bell had gone I told the class about the discussion and asked them what they thought a tummy bug was.
Claire: Yucky Stuff in your food and it goes into your tummy.
Charlie: It makes it sore.
Tyra: It crawls around. (What does it look like?) like a ladybug.
Amelie: It affects your tummy by getting sore and you feel like your going to puke. (What is a bug?) I think it is yucky food.
R: It means you stay at home, throw up. you have to stay at home for 100 weeks.
Lily: It means you're sick. (What makes you sick?)
Charlie: something makes your tummy sore, like a bug in your tummy, it might be like a flea and make you itchy.
Connor: When you're sick you need to stay at home.
Vida: They might be like praying mantis. (So a praying mantis is a tummy bug?) No laughing I think it is yucky food.
Campbell: something like a stick.
Thomas: Something you're allergic too.
R: I'm allergic to peanuts, I am! I throw up.
Miss Bell: Where or how could we find out.
Amelie: Get a telescope and hear what is going on in your heart, I mean stethoscope.
R: Go to imagination movers, they do brainstorms and figure out ideas.
Charlie: Take a picture inside and see what it looks like.
Claire: You go to a hospital and take an x-ray to see what it is.
Connor: Ask a doctor to tell us what is making us sick.
Miss Bell: Where could we look at school for answers.
Tyra: The school office
Amelie: We could go to the sick bay, thats why they call it sick.

With a little bit of help we decided that we could look in the library or use the computer. At this stage we have two theories that a tummy bug is either a real bug as in an insect or something that is in yucky food.

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