Monday, September 5, 2011

The Maori are alive?

After our discussion during ChIL time the other day I had asked the children to talk to their parents about their ancestors and where they came from. Today we made the revelation that the Maori are still alive. The discussion started at the beginning of the day.
Vida: Miss Bell, I’m a Maori!
Miss Bell: That is great, did you find out last night?
Vida: Yes
Miss B: There are other children in here who are Maori, has anyone else found out if they have Maori ancestors?
Dakota, Tyra and Deepak raised their hands
Miss B: That’s right, Dakota, Tyra and Vida all have Maori ancestry. Deepak you are Fijian Indian.
Eva: I love Indian Food.
Miss B: So are the Maori still alive?
Mixed response of yes and no.
Miss B: If Vida, Dakota and Tyra are Maori, are the Maori still
Whole class: Yes!!!
We talked briefly about some of their original ideas, about the Maori living in deserts, and being very old and the fact people with Maori descent are New Zealanders, and live like everybody else.

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