On the weekend I went to the pet shop and brought some larvae and eggs of both fruit flies and Blow flies, so the children will be able to see a little bit of the life cycle.

We have put them in an aquarium so that we can watch them. The fruit flies that we have are called wingless even though they have wings and appear to fly which the children and I both found puzzling. I also brought in a large wire spider that the children are going to papier mache, we will take regular photos of our progress.

This afternoon Tim, Daniel, Mikayla and Caitlin from 8B7 visited us and showed us how to put an ant farm together, they also taught us things about ants while they were doing it.

We put the ant farm together and then mixed sand and garden soil together and poured it into the farm. The 8B7 children taught us that we should only put ants from one colony in the farm and that they like to eat sweet things like fruit and even lollipops. The ants like to keep their living area clean and if any ants die they will move them out into the magnifying glass which is attached to the farm. Now all we need is some ants, then we need to keep the soil part of the farm dark and let the ants do their thing and hopefully we will see them build some tunnels.
R5 I love the way you are getting other children at school to help you in your exploring! We have lots of clever children at school who can help you as you go along. You are learning lots. I'll pop in soon so you can show me. Mr Morrall